1.Maulers have had their running swipe attack and running cleave attack hitbox range reduced by around 15%.
2.Fixed an issue where Maulers were not making sounds during certain attacks.
3.Chaos Warriors have had their cleave hitbox range reduced by around 15%.
4.Chaos Warriors should no longer suddenly stand up while lying down from an explosion stagger animation(i.e. Kruber charge ability is a bit more viable vs Chaos Warriors now).
5.Fixed an issue when the Bile Troll would sometimes not rotate towards its target when vomiting.
6.Fixed an issue where backstab sounds were not always triggering at the beginning of enemy attacks.
7.Fixed an issue where enemies could attack an invisible player after being damaged by that player.
8.Fixed an issue where enemies could attack an invisible player that was running through a horde.
修复了隐身玩家在穿过敌潮(鼠潮 混沌潮)时会被攻击到的问题
9.Fixed an issue where the teleport sound of the Lifeleech would sometimes not play for clients.
修复了生命吸收者(吸人怪)视频:2分26秒 传送音效不会出现在加入玩家的音效中的问题(加入的玩家听不到怪传送的声音)
10.Fixed an issue where Skavenslaves did not trigger attack sounds on certain attacks.
修复了奴隶鼠 视频:0分51秒 有一些攻击没有声效的问题
总结:总体还是修复一些BUG问题 对于怪的削弱应该是不痛不痒
【AI Director 】AI导演(这个应该就是好几个版本提到的控制敌潮刷新的系统)
1.The AI director will no longer immediately spawn specials after a Lord is killed.
现在AI direcotr将不会在领主死亡时立即刷新特感怪
2.The AI director will now wait longer between spawns of coordinated special enemy attacks. (when we spawn all the specials in the spawn queue all at once for increased challenge fun). This means fewer situations where you get train wrecked by multiple waves of coordinated enemies on Champion and Legend.
现在AI director将会提高特感怪同时出现攻击玩家的时间间隔(之前我们希望增加一些挑战的乐趣,所以我们在怪物刷新中加入了很多特感怪的刷新),这意味着在冠军(噩梦)和传奇(天劫)难度下,玩家将更少会面临同时被多个特感攻击的情况
3.Reduced the number of Chaos Warriors in patrols on Legend - replaced some with Maulers. Set to 6 Chaos Warriors, down from 10.
4.Modified skaven horde difficulty scaling to match the challenge of chaos segments. Skaven hordes will now spawn with a bit higher frequency and with higher numbers, on higher difficulties.
总结:进一步减少了特感怪的刷新程度 也修改了变态了10人的混沌战士巡逻队
最后是增加了鼠潮的难度 总体来说更考验玩家的配合 降低了一些纵使玩家配合都不好对付的敌人难度