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无尽传奇是一款的网络游戏,目前状态: 测试时间是: 属于类游戏,画面是 ,开发公司是:AMPLITUDE Studios 运营平台:网游SEGA 官方网址是

  • 上市时间:2014年9月18日
  • 创造你自己的传奇,用又一天的辛劳。必须种植粮食,要建设工业,科学和法术要先进,财富要积累。然而,这些简单的努力都是迫不得已的,因为你的星球有无法解释的天启的历史,而你刚刚度过的那个冬天是有史以来最糟糕的。这一事实也适用于前五年。当你发现你失落的世...



    创造你自己的传奇,用又一天的辛劳。必须种植粮食,要建设工业,科学和法术要先进,财富要积累。然而,这些简单的努力都是迫不得已的,因为你的星球有无法解释的天启的历史,而你刚刚度过的那个冬天是有史以来最糟糕的。这一事实也适用于前五年。当你发现你失落的世... 创造你自己的传奇,用又一天的辛劳。必须种植粮食,要建设工业,科学和法术要先进,财富要积累。然而,这些简单的努力都是迫不得已的,因为你的星球有无法解释的天启的历史,而你刚刚度过的那个冬天是有史以来最糟糕的。这一事实也适用于前五年。当你发现你失落的世界的秘密,以及传说和废墟的神秘,你会发现你并不孤单。其他民族也在为生存、成长甚至征服而挣扎。你有一个城市,一个忠诚的民众,还有一些军队;你的力量和魔法应该足以让他们活着。但除此之外,没有什么是必然的…你会去的地方,你会发现,和你将如何反应?你的踪迹会是玫瑰,还是血?探索神奇的土地。以独特的游戏风格和故事情节引领八个文明中的一个。在寒冷黑暗的季节里生存下来,让奥里加走到尽头。它也会是你的吗?在随机生成的世界和任务中体验无限的可再玩性。设置大小,形状,地形和更多…创造你自己的世界去发现。扩大超出了未知。征服,建设和发展村庄,成为可怕的堡垒或美丽的城市。吸收强大的小派系,并明智地使用他们的特殊特征和单位。雇佣,装备和训练你的英雄成为军队领袖或城市管理者。通过寻找神秘的艺术品和被遗忘的技术来提升你的文明。利用每一个机会。通过发现新的先进技术来发展你的文明。收集市场上可交易的灰尘、奢侈品和战略资源。通过贸易和微妙的外交,保持领先其他文明一步。从不同的胜利条件中选择,并在飞行中调整你的策略。消灭那些蔑视你的傻瓜。体验一种创新的、动态的基于回合制的战斗系统。使用单位设备,能力和地形来战胜你的对手。缩小战斗范围,无缝地统治你的帝国的其他方面。定义你的风俗文明,并且能看到你的朋友所创造的。 Create your own LegendAnother sunrise, another day of toil. Food must be grown, industries built, science and magic advanced, and wealth collected. Urgency drives these simple efforts, however, for your planet holds a history of unexplained apocalypse, and the winter you just survived was the worst on record. A fact that has also been true for the previous five.As you discover the lost secrets of your world and the mysteries of the legends and ruins that exist as much in reality as in rumor, you will come to see that you are not alone. Other peoples also struggle to survive, to grow, and perhaps even to conquer.You have a city, a loyal populace, and a few troops; your power and magic should be sufficient to keep them alive. But beyond that, nothing is certain… Where will you go, what will you find, and how will you react? Will your trail be one of roses, or of blood?Explore fantastic lands.Lead one of eight civilizations each with a unique gameplay style and storyline.Survive through cold dark seasons that drive Auriga to its end. Will it also be yours?Experience an endless replayability with randomly generated worlds and quests.Set the size, shape, topography and more... to create your own world to discover.Expand beyond the unknown.Conquer, build and develop villages into feared fortresses or wonderful cities.Assimilate powerful minor factions and use their special traits and units wisely.Hire, equip and train your heroes to become army leaders or city governors.Raise your civilization by finding mysterious artefacts and forgotten technologies.Exploit every opportunity.Evolve your civilization through the discovery of new advanced technologies.Collect Dust, luxuries and strategic resources tradable on the marketplace.Keep one step ahead of other civilizations through trade and subtle diplomacy.Choose from different victory conditions and adapt your strategy on the fly.Exterminate fools who defy you.Experience an innovative dynamic simultaneous turn-based battle system.Use unit equipment, abilities and the terrain to overcome your opponents.Zoom out of a battle and rule the other aspects of your empire seamlessly.Define your custom civilizations and confront those created by your friends.













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