I know a lot of people have already thought about this, but i believe the next map will be the Horizon Lunar Colony or that we will get some kind of event/hints leading up to it in the upcoming patch. The reasons for that is,
Lijiang Tower missing on PTR /u/ethanciavo talks a lot about it in this post! Lijang Tower missing from the PTR could mean that something has happened there. ( maybe an upcoming event or animated short? ) Since Lijang Tower is the office of Lucheng Interstellar, the company that constructed Horizon Lunar Colony. This could mean that Blizzard disabled the map on the PTR so we wouldn't find the hints/spoilers early.
Datamined Space and Gorilla sounds /u/OverwatchSarah put together this post where you can listen to all of them, those were datamined 10 months ago though.
Michael Chu's recent AMA Where he talks about character interactions, and that new ones are coming soon. And also that there are some more that are on the horizon. source This could of course just mean that some are further out than others, but Blizzard likes to tease us with small hints like this so you never know.. also this Thanks to /u/PussUnk for the imgur links.
Jeff Kaplan talking about maps source Horizon could be one of the non-standard maps or one of the experiments that won't go into QP/Comp.
The map would probably be a Pve map involving waves of Gorillas. Since Blizzard has had a lot of good feedback from Junkenstein's Revenge and Uprising, and they also love making those modes. Hopefully that would mean we get a permanent Arcade Pve mode!
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