1. 现在被拉的人会被拉到路霸面前,而不是直线拉过去。也就是说,路霸转脸的话,被拉的人也会跟到路霸面前。但是,这个转圈是有限制的,比如180度的弯他们不会转过来。
2. 如果你不能看到你勾到的人,那他不会被拉过来。
3. 如果你勾到的人动了一下导致你看不到他了,参考第2条。
43 min ago
Coming soon! In fact we plan to have it up on the PTR asap (might be this week).
For a bit of tldr; for what the changes are:
Firstly, the hook victim will now move in to the position directly in front of Roadhog, rather than just a straight line towards him. There is a cap on how far 'to the side' you can be pulled, so you can't just hook someone, spin 180, and dump someone off a cliff. This part (along with some other bug fixes) should generally make the hook feel more consistent as to where the victims get pulled.
Secondly, the line-of-sight check to see if a hook should connect or not is now checked from Roadhog's position, instead of the hook's position. This basically means the hook can't connect to targets that Roadhog himself can't see.
Lastly, there is a new persistent line-of-sight check back to Roadhog once the hook has landed. If this check fails, the hook breaks off and returns to Roadhog. This means if you get hooked and move out of LOS quickly (either you dashed, were falling, were pushed, etc), the hook will now break early and not pull the target.
Overall these changes will likely make Roadhog a bit weaker, but we'll evaluate his performance once we get people playing him and make adjustments as necessary.
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