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   Backpack 背包

   Technical: While your signature skill is active, your Skill Power is increased by 13%. 开大招时候技能强度增加13%

   Inventive: Your Skill Power is increased by 13% while you are at full health. 满血时候增加13%技能强度

   Relentless: 3% of the damage dealt by your skills is returned to you as healing. 技能3%的伤害转化为治疗

   Resourceful: All healing applied to you is also applied to your skill objects. 所有治疗效果也施加在技能上(炮台之类有血量的)

   Specialized: 13% of your Firearms and Stamina are added to your Skill Power. 火力和耐力点数的13%加在技能强度上

   Chest 胸甲

   Reckless: You deal x% more damage and receive y% more damage. 增加X%伤害的同时受到Y%的更多伤害

   Robust: You have x% more armor while in cover. 在掩体内增加x%的护甲

   Rapid: The cooldown of your healing skills is decreased by x%. 你的治疗技能CD减少x%

   Vigorous: All your healing skills have Over Heal enabled. 所有的治疗技能都可以把满血时额外的治疗转化为暂时生命

   Forceful: Your armor is increased by x% while your Signature Skill is active 开大招时候护甲增加x%

   Mask 面具

   Enduring: While in your last segment, your health continuously regenerates to fill up the segment. 最后一段血条时生命会慢慢回复到那一段血条的满值

   Refreshed: When your health is in the last segment, all your healing is improved by 30%. 最后一段血条时受到的治疗效果增加30%

   Rejuvenated: Consuming a medkit also removes all negative status effects from you. 用急救包的同时移除所有负面状态效果

   Tenacious: Using a Medkit increases your damage by 9.5% for y seconds. 用急救包增加9.5%的伤害,持续Y秒

   Rehabilitated: When you are affected by a status effect you are healed for 2% every second. 当你身上有状态时每秒回2%的血量。。(目测正面和负面效果都可以,不确定)

   Gloves 手套

   Savage: Your Critical hit chance is increased by 13% against targets out of cover. 你的暴击几率在攻击掩体之外的敌人时增加13%

   Reckless: You deal x% more damage and receive y% more damage. 造成x%的更多伤害的同时受到Y%的更多伤害

   Cunning: After reloading, your next shot with this weapon has a 9.5% higher critical hit chance. 换子弹后的第一发射击有9.5%的更高暴击几率

   Decisive: Headshots with your side arm deal x% more damage. 用副武器(手枪之类,不是2号武器)爆头增加x%的伤害

   Astute: The first 3 bullets of your magazine have a 9.5% higher chance to do a Critical Hit. 弹夹里的前3发子弹有9.5%更高的暴击率

   Knee 护膝

   Accomplished: Rewards from Accolades are trippled. 战斗额外经验奖励为原来的三倍(爆头杀怪之类的额外经验奖励)

   Prosperous: Critical headshots grant you credits. 爆头暴击时会赏你点小钱

   Perceptive: Your Item find and credit find bonuses are increased by x%. 装备爆率和额外金钱增加x%

   Holster 枪套

   Recovered: Damage taken while doing a cover to cover maneuver is regenerated over 5 seconds upon reaching your destination. 在掩体之间的行动时受到的伤害会在抵达目标5秒内慢慢回复

   Nimble: While doing a cover to cover move in combat, you heal 2% of your max Health for every y meter run. 你在掩体之间的每移动Y米就会回复满血的2%

   Steadfast: While in cover, health regeneration kicks in twice as fast. 当你在掩体之内时,生命自动恢复的生效时间是原来的一半

   Sturdy: Your armor is increased by 12.5% when you stay more than y seconds in the same cover. 如果你在同一个掩体呆的时间超过Y秒,你的护甲增加12.5%















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