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Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

白1 金4 银5 铜30 总40

#1Achieve All Trophies

Unlock All Trophies

#2Archer Veteran's Helmet

Become a Veteran Archer in multiplayer

#3Man-At-Arms Veteran's Helmet

Become a Veteran Man-At-Arms in multiplayer

#4Vanguard Veteran's Helmet

Become a Veteran Vanguard in multiplayer

#5Knight Veteran's Helmet

Become a Veteran Knight in multiplayer


Unlock all swords in multiplayer

#7Rotisserie Chef

Decapitate an opponent who is on fire in multiplayer

#8Heads Together

Decapitate two opponents with one swing in multiplayer

#9Five Star Archer

Get 10 headshots with a ranged weapon in a single multiplayer game before map rotation

#10Reach Level 5

Gather enough points to reach Level 5 in multiplayer

#11Reach Level 10

Gather enough points to reach Level 10 in multiplayer

#12Reach Level 20

Gather enough points to reach Level 20 in multiplayer

#13Bow Unlocked

Gather enough experience with a bow in multiplayer

#14All Bows Unlocked

Gather enough experience with bows in multiplayer

#15Crossbow Unlocked

Gather enough experience with a crossbow in multiplayer

#16All Crossbows Unlocked

Gather enough experience with crossbows in multiplayer

#17Javelin Unlocked

Gather enough experience with a javelin in multiplayer

#18All Javelins Unlocked

Gather enough experience with javelins in multiplayer

#19One-handed Sharp Unlocked

Gather enough experience with a one-handed sharp weapon in multiplayer

#20All One-handed SharPS Unlocked

Gather enough experience with one-handed sharp weapons in multiplayer

#21One-handed Axe Unlocked

Gather enough experience with a one-handed axe in multiplayer

#22All One-handed Axes Unlocked

Gather enough experience with one-handed axes in multiplayer

#23One-handed Blunt Unlocked

Gather enough experience with a one-handed blunt weapon in multiplayer

#24All One-handed Blunts Unlocked

Gather enough experience with one-handed blunt weapons in multiplayer

#25Two-handed Sword Unlocked

Gather enough experience with a two-handed sword in multiplayer

#26All Two-handed Swords Unlocked

Gather enough experience with two-handed swords in multiplayer

#27Spear Unlocked

Gather enough experience with a spear in multiplayer

#28All Spears Unlocked

Gather enough experience with spears in multiplayer

#29Polearm Unlocked

Gather enough experience with a polearm in multiplayer

#30All Polearms Unlocked

Gather enough experience with polearms in multiplayer

#31Two-handed Axe Unlocked

Gather enough experience with a two-handed axe in multiplayer

#32All Two-handed Axes Unlocked

Gather enough experience with two-handed axes in multiplayer

#33Heavy Blunt Unlocked

Gather enough experience with a heavy blunt weapon in multiplayer

#34All Heavy Blunts Unlocked

Gather enough experience with heavy blunt weapons in multiplayer

#35Bastard Weapon Unlocked

Gather enough experience with a bastard weapon in multiplayer

#36All Bastard Weapons Unlocked

Gather enough experience with bastard weapons in multiplayer

#37Dagger Unlocked

Gather enough experience with a dagger in multiplayer

#38All Daggers Unlocked

Gather enough experience with daggers in multiplayer

#39Light Weapon Unlocked

Gather enough experience with a light weapon in multiplayer

#40All Light Weapons Unlocked

Gather enough experience with light weapons in multiplayer















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